Why Huxley? Learning the ropes as a museum guide

- 02.01.2023
- Expired!
- 15:00 - 17:00
- Free
Programme for students who are 16-19 years old
Why Huxley?
What does Huxley have to say to us in the 21st century? Apart from having produced some of the more notable novels and short stories of 20th century English literature, he is probably one of the world’s leading essayists and thinkers whose writings provide guidance for us as we address the salient problems of the present. Huxley was also a prominent social commentator and advocate for peace, social justice, and environmentalism. He was deeply committed to using his writing to promote positive change in the world, and his work continues to inspire and influence readers and thinkers around the globe.
Book list
– Complete Essays Volume VI (Ivan R. Dee)

Opening Hour

Robin Hull, lic.phil. Dip RSA
Huxley Centre / Hull's School